There is no feeling like the one nature brings. We will and always should fight to preserve some untouched land and find ways to live in harmony with nature. But could you face it alone? Learning can be FUN and SPIRIT RAISING!

When I was a kid my folks dragged us out into the woods up to 2 weeks at a time. Tree swing, hammocks, tents and sleeping bags. One year the old guy even upgraded our air mattress to an army style cot. These are the best times of my life. Although I didn’t understand it then, finding the tranquility of that place is not easy.  There are so many things that I got out of camping that we take for granted today. I come from a long line of hunter/cowboy type guys, you know, ranchers. Any way my uncle and cousins were the real experts at hunting and fishing as well as maintaining a small farm for eggs and things from the garden to preserve. Also they know how to eat every bit of that animal they killed.  These were tough things for a city slicker kid to absorb at times but I sure do wish I had paid more attention to my uncle when he spoke. This knowledge is important and may come in very handy in an emergency. There doesn’t need to be a world event to find yourself lost and maybe some training is wise.

Just Living Is Not Enough

You know need to get away and have some fun no matter what!  Few know that I was a professional singer trying to make it big at one time. I never did that, but the feeling of singing is something everyone should try. Do you like to sing? Would you like some extra training? I remember going to the local college and gaining a world of knowledge once I was in front of someone who knew how to nurture the singer within me. I was never the same and was always a hit at the Karaoke Club. 

This is something you may want to look at if you are like me and you enjoy projects that require tools and precision. These pictures represent what can be easily accomplished but start small if you want and gain the confidence to succeed every single time.

Well guys I sort of feel like I have gone a full 360 and back to point A. No offense but games have become more multi platform rather than realistic until VR came. But the cost was high. Until now. Oculus puts you right there. I mean you look ever that edge and you see and feel like you may fall.

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